Research mentoring activities

Since 2012 I co-supervised 4 doctoral theses and the fifth one has the defence scheduled for the 29th of July 2020. I also supervised a post-doc and 2 research master students. During these eight years I also supervised a PhD student who unfortunately withdrew shortly before the final exam. Table 2 gives a summary of all the supervision. In the near future I will have two new PhD students to supervise, a CIFRE thesis with the SNMSF company and a co-tutorship with the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) in the USA. Both these two new students will start in October 2020.

Supervision TypeTotal NumberOf which ongoingTotal percentage of management
PhD Thesis51170%
Future PhD Thesis22 (October 2020)100%
Master's research20200%

List of mentored Post-doc

[PD2] Concetta SEMERARO:

  • Title: Cyber Physical Systems metamodeling for Digital Twin application.
  • July 2020 – July 2021.
  • Management at 50% - Co-management: Prof. Hervé Panetto (50%).
  • Post-Doc financed on the DIH4CPS project.

[PD1] Yasamin ESLAMI:

  • Title: Cyber Physical Systems metamodeling definition for knowledge formalisation process.
  • 2020 - 2021.
  • Management at 100%.
  • Post-Doc financed on the DIH4CPS project.
  • Scientific production: One international journal paper [IJ8].

List of mentored theses

[DT5] Mickael WAJNBERG:

  • Title: Analyse relationnelle de concepts: une méthode polyvalente pour l'extraction de connaissance (Relational concept analysis: a versatile method for knowledge extraction).
  • 2017 – 2020. (Defense scheduled for the 29th of November 2020)
  • PhD in co-supervision Université de Lorraine / Université du Québec à Montréal (Canada). Scholarship from the Canadian government.
  • Management at 34%. Co-directors: Prof. Hervé Panetto (33%) and Prof. Alexandre Blondin Massé (33%).

[DT4] Concetta SEMERARO:

  • Thesis Title: Contribution à la formalisation qui est dirigé par les données d'invariants de modélisation de systèmes cyber physiques (Contribution to the formalization which is driven by the data of modeling invariants of cyber-physical systems).
  • Period: 2016 – 2020.
  • Grant: PhD in co-supervision Université de Lorraine / Politecnico di Bari (Italy). Scholarship from the Italian government.
  • Personal Management: 34%. Co-directors: Prof. Hervé Panetto (33%) and Prof. Michele Dassisti (33%).
  • Actual Position: Post-doc at the Université de Lorraine on a European Project contract titled DIH4CPS.

[DT3] Yasamin ESLAMI:

  • Thesis Title: A Modelling-Based Sustainability Assessment in Manufacturing Organizations.
  • Period: 2015 – 2019.
  • Grant: PhD in co-supervision Université de Lorraine / Politecnico di Bari (Italy). Scholarship from the Italian government.
  • Personal Management: 34%. Co-directors: Prof. Hervé Panetto (33%) and Prof. Michele Dassisti (33%).
  • Actual Position: Post-doc in the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Vosges, on a European Project contract titled DIH4CPS.


  • Thesis Title: A framework for interoperability assessment in E-Health information systems using process semantics mining.
  • Period: 2015 – 2017.
  • Grant: PhD in co-supervision Université de Lorraine / PUCPR (Brazil). Scholarship from the Brazilian government.
  • Personal Management: 34%. Co-directors: Prof. Hervé Panetto (33%) and Prof. Eduardo Portela (33%).
  • Actual Position: Associate professor at the Universidade Federal do Paraná.

[DT1] Yongxin LIAO:

  • Thesis Title: Annotations sémantiques pour l’interopérabilité de systèmes dans un contexte PLM (Semantic annotations for system interoperability in a PLM context).
  • Period: 2010 – 2013.
  • Grant: Scholarship paid by the Charles Hermite Federation.
  • Personal Management: 34%. Co-directors: Prof. Hervé Panetto (33%) and Prof. Nacer Boujlida (33%).
  • Actual position: Associate Professor at Huaqiao University

List of mentored research master’s students

[RM2] Gabriella Anna TEUTONICO:

  • Title: Intéroperabilité des systèmes (Systems interoperability).
  • 2016
  • Management at 100%.


  • Title: Enterprise Knowledge formalisation.
  • 2012
  • Management at 100%.

Scientific Outreach

Participation in faculty selection committees

2016: Selection committee member MCF0644. IUT Épinal – LERMAB. CNU 60/62.

Participation in thesis juries

2019: Examinator for the thesis of Yasamin ESLAMI. Politecnico di Bari (Italy). Title of the PhD Thesis: “A Modelling-Based Sustainability Assessment in Manufacturing Organizations”.

Conference Programme Committee

Since 2014: Member of the International Program committee of the annual International Conference on Information Society and Technology (CISTI).

From 2013 to 2016: Member of the International Program committee of the annual International Conference PRO-VE.

From 2016 to 2017: co-chair of the annual workshop EI2N "Enterprise Integration, Interoperability and Networking. 2 editions.

Editorial responsibility

2020: Hervé Panetto, Mario Lezoche, Jorge Hernandez, Maria del Mar Eva Alemany Diaz, Janusz Kacprzyk. Special issue on Agri-Food 4.0 and digitalization in agriculture supply chains - New directions, challenges and applications. Computers in Industry, Elsevier, 2020.

Organization of symposiums, conferences, study days

2017: Member of the organising committee for the organisation of the 24th GDR MACS STP Days.

2015: Co-organizer of a scientific day of the Charles Hermite Federation on 16 November 2015: "Knowledge management using formal methods for seizure prediction in epilepsy".

2014: Co-organizer of a scientific day of the Charles Hermite Federation on February 18, 2014: "Knowledge management using formal methods".

Publications with foreign researchers

More than half of my international journal articles are the result of collaboration with fellow researchers from a foreign university (8/15). These universities are from 7 different countries: Brazil, Canada, Italy, Poland, Serbia, Spain and UK.

Participation in working groups and learned societies

Since 2013: Active member of the Scientific Interest Group Interoperability-GR of the Greater Region.

Since 2012: Active member of the WG Easy-DIM (currently INE) of GDR MACS.

Since 2014: Active member of IFAC TC 5.3.

Since 2020: Active member of IFIP TC-12 (WG12.1 and WG12.6).

Participation in research projects

International projects

  • H2020 IA DIH4CPS “Fostering DIHs for Embedding Interoperability in Cyber-Physical Systems of European SMEs” 2020-2022: 36 months
    Role: Task 3.2 leader
    Coordinator: UNINOVA, PT
  • H2020 Marie Curie RISE RUC-APS "Enhancing and implementing Knowledge based ICT solutions within high Risk and Uncertain Conditions for Agriculture Production Systems" 2016-2020: 48 months
    Role: Researcher
    Coordinator: University of Liverpool, UK
  • H2020 COST TD1406 I2MHB "Innovation in Intelligent Management of Heritage Buildings" 2014-2019.
    Role: Researcher
    Coordinator: Universidade Nova de Lisboã, Portugal
  • H2020 COST IC1404 MPM4CPS "Multi-Paradigm Modelling for Cyber-Physical Systems" 2014-2019.
    Role: Researcher
    Coordinator: Universiteit Antwerpen, Belgique
  • PICS SICIM with University of Nis (Serbia) "Semantic interoperability approach to Computer Integrated Manufacturing" (24 months 2012-2013).
    Role: Researcher
    Coordinator: Université de Lorraine
  • PICS IA4PSS with Politecnico di Bari, Italy "Interoperability assessment for production systems sustainability" (36 months 2014-2016).
    Role: Researcher
    Coordinator: Université de Lorraine
  • Pavle Savic PHC Project with the University of Nis (Serbia): "Runtime Model-Driven Software for Smart Cyber Physical Systems. (2016-2017).
    Role: Researcher
    Coordinator: Université de Lorraine
  • Project "Sciences sans frontières" with PUCPR (Brazil) "Model and Formal Approach on Interoperability Engineering applied to the Systems Life Cycle". (2013-2015).
    Role: Researcher
    Coordinator: Université de Lorraine
  • CNRS PICS project with the University of Nis (Sebie). "Semantic interoperability approach for Computer Integrated Manufacturing". (2013-2014).
    Role: Researcher
    Coordinator: Université de Lorraine
  • PHC Galileo project with Politecnico di Bari (Italy). (2011-2012)?
    Role: Researcher
    Coordinator: Université de Lorraine

Collective Responsibilities

Since 2017: Co-Head of the project team Intelligent System and Objects in Interaction (S&O-2I) with the Associate Professor William DERIGENT and Associate Professor Philippe THOMAS.